
Setting up Your New Home - 4 Things to Know

Reviewing a checklist of things to do when moving into our new home will make the enormous task of moving so much easier. Nobody really likes the act of moving. It can be nerve wracking, exhausting and overwhelming, with so much to do in one day. However, by breaking down the steps of moving into 4 simple tasks, you can streamline the process for yourself.

1. Decorate Personally, Not Professionally:

The first thing that often strikes people about a fresh new home or a new apartment are all of the bare walls. There’s a strong temptation to decorate and to fill up all of that white space with something inspiring or beautiful. It can be really tempting to head to some home decor store and find lots of prints and other things to hang on your walls, but what often makes a house a home is the personal touch.

Start off your decoration with your own photographs. Get some inexpensive picture frames, print off some of the photos that mean the most to you, and use those to fill the white space on your walls. This way, when you look at the walls, you’re reminded of the great moments and great people in your life. You’ll also have some good conversation starters if you have guests, and you won’t spend a lot of money on it, either.

2. Change the locks:

First and foremost, it’s important to keep your family and your property safe. You don’t want a stranger running around with a key to your front door, so changing the locks at your home is a natural step. Do it before moving in and you’ll thank yourself when you’re lying in bed the first few nights in your new home. Plus, getting the locks changed before you move in your belongings prevents them from being exposed during that brief window while your locks are getting switched over. Isecurity solutions stock best intruder alarm supplies to protect your home. They offer live monitoring option too.

3. Closet Systems:

Having things organized, fitting into your new home, will really make you feel great. You'll love wonderful closet systems with double hanging poles, drawers, and shelves up to the ceiling. If you wait until later, you'll have to take everything out, pile your clothes in stacks on your bed or floor and live out of suitcases for a day or two until the closet fittings can be installed.


No matter when you choose to do it, professional installers can be in and out in a jiffy. Do-it-yourselfers may need a bit longer to figure out the instructions, but once the process is down for the first closet, each additional closet should be faster and easier. If you do some measuring in your new home before you move in, you can plan ahead and choose and buy your closet components ahead of time.

4. Changing your address:

In the midst of a chaotic move, it can be easy to forget to change your billing addresses and subscription addresses. However, unless you want your magazines delivered to the wrong house or your credit cards declined, we recommend changing your address as soon as possible.